
Baby # 2

Due date Sept 18th I say Sept 17th though .... Not sure why I'm arguing a day but I am. We are not finding out the sex until birth. A few photos. Noah with one of the first ultrasounds and then the most recent ultrasound from last week. Today I'm 10 weeks along!

Right now I'm using medicated chest rub, unisom, and vitamin B6 to get me through this morning sickness. I'm sure Steve will be excited when I can cook again.

Right now I'm loving Wendy's baked potatoes and decaf iced tea. I cannot get enough iced tea! Anything bland and blah basically with no smell or taste is my bf. More later xoxo


stephanieesstar said...

Oh goodness! We are definitely the same Ravi and Stephanie! I never moved to the west coast, but maybe Erin had other friends named Steph? We have lost contact, so I'm not sure!

Ravi will definitely remember you! I remember when you and Erin lived together off Linden forever ago. I'm glad everything is going so well for you and your family!

miss tanyamami said...

Oh my it is you I thought it might be you've changed so much I wasn't for sure! But we were just kids then so change is expected! I could have swore you moved but maybe it was someone else. I thought it was a friend from Fairborn. Oh man off Linden on Haviland! That house was crazy! I wonder if Fecke is still renting it out? Anyway I think it's so sweet you too are together! That's awesome he was always so nice and I remember you being really quiet! Okay I have to get to grocery shopping before this weather hits us once again!

Fawn and Flower said...

I tried to keep the gender a surprise but the first time they were able to tell, I freaked out and made them spill the beans. Good luck! :)

I love your banner. Did you make it?

miss tanyamami said...

I'm really hoping I can wait. I think I will if I gained one thing from my first pregnancy it's patience. Noah and I drew the little family photo and the markers came from adobe. I'm trying to work on it more but I haven't did anything with adobe since college so I've been cursing a lot.

miss tanyamami said...

and thanks!