
It's been awhile....

Well last Sunday was Noah's 2nd Birthday! We did the usual presents wrapped with left over Christmas paper and a strawberry cake with vanilla frosting. He had lots of fun.

The next day we went to the Ped for Noah's 2 yr. well child checkup. The entire waiting room was full of snotty sick kids. Even though Noah was on my lap that didn't save him. On Thursday he started running a fever of 103 and it got up to 104 but that was usually when it was time for another dose of Motrin or Tylenol. He has no other symptoms either. Strange right? He's just been running around playing like normal. So I don't know what the deal is. If he still has a fever in the morning we will make a trip to the Ped but his temp has been going down since yesterday morning. Before I forget he ended up being 36inches tall and 28lbs! He's a big boy! His height is in the 90th% range and weight is 75th% oh and his huge head is 95th!

More Later I have to clean up Candy land Castle pieces and the DH's food mess. And I hate the playoffs. I misplaced the terrible towel and was threatened with divorce for doing so.

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